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  • [기술동향] [미국] 캘리포니아 가뭄 및 지하수사용으로 지반침하

    [미국] 캘리포니아 가뭄 및 지하수사용으로 지반침하

    캘리포니아 지역을 덮친 4년간의 가뭄과 지하수 펌핑에 대한 높은 의존도는 주 일부가 내려앉는 원인이 됐다. 지반이 가라앉음으로써 요구되는 인프라 보수는 수십 억 달러의 비용이 들어갈 것으로 예상된다.

    몇몇 지역에서 연간 최대 1피트 이상 내려앉은 캘리포니아의 지반침하는 주 내 과도한 지하수 사용에 기인한 것으로 보이며 최근 몇 년간 주 전체의 가뭄으로 인해 가속화됐다.



    Drought and pumping groundwater sinking land in Calif. 
    Four years of drought and heavy reliance on pumping of groundwater in California have caused parts of the state to sink. The repairs to infrastructure required by the sinking is said to be costing billions of dollars.
    California\'s land subsidence - which adds up to more than one foot a year in some places - can be attributed to the pumping of groundwater in the state; sped up in recent years due to state-wide drought. As pumping and well-drilling increases, aquifers below the surface become depleted, causing the land to sag in areas.
    Major areas affected include the San Joaquin Valley, where half of the land is prone to sinking, according to a 1975 U.S. Geological Survey.
    Long-term costs of repairs are hard to pinpoint, in large part because irrigation districts don\'t often single out repairs required by subsidence from general upkeep, but some experts estimate the final bill to be somewhere in the billons. Replacing one bridge that now sits below the waterline in Los Banos, for instance, is expected to cost $2.5 million.
    The problem of sinking land in California is ongoing and accelerating. Researchers at NASA found that land near Corcoran sank 13 inches over eight months last year alone. Parts of the California Aqueduct, a massive canal that delivers water 400 miles to Southern California, also sank by nearly 13 inches, the NASA research shows.

    [출처 = Water World / 2015년 12월 30일]

  • [기술동향] [미국] EPA, 로스앤젤레스 사업 정리를 위한 2천200만 달러 합의

    [미국] EPA, 로스앤젤레스 사업 정리를 위한 2천200만 달러 합의
    미국 환경보호청(EPA) 및 미국 법무부(DOJ, Department of Justice)은 로스앤젤레스 남동쪽 10마일가량 떨어진 사우스게이트(South Gate) 지역의 Cooper Drum사의 40개 그룹에 대한 정리를 실시하기로 합의했다고 발표했다.

    이에 수퍼펀드 사이트(Superfund site)에서 과거의 정화 사업을 위해 EPA에 우물을 포함한 지하수처리 시스템의 구축에 대해 1천500만 달러, 배관처리 비용으로 7백만 달러의 배상이 필요하다. 
    EPA announces $22 million settlement for cleanup of Cooper Drum Superfund Site in Los Angeles
    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Department of Justice today announced that a group of 40 parties have agreed to conduct the cleanup of the Cooper Drum site in South Gate, 10 miles southeast of downtown Los Angeles. The settlement requires an estimated $15 million to construct the additional groundwater treatment system needed, including wells, piping and treatment costs, plus $7 million to reimburse EPA for its past cleanup actions at the Superfund site.
    “Today’s settlement is a binding commitment to pursue the final cleanup of this former industrial site,” said Jared Blumenfeld, EPA’s Regional Administrator for the Pacific Southwest. “Our goal is to protect the residents of South Gate from the toxic chemicals that have contaminated their local groundwater.”
    Cooper Drum is a 3.8 acre site located in a commercial, industrial and residential area of South Gate. From 1974 until its closure in 1992, the Cooper Drum Company reconditioned used steel drums from industrial customers, such as chemical manufacturers, chemical packagers and oil companies. The 55 gallon steel drums, which contained residual oils and solvents, were washed and prepared for reuse. Residual wastes from the drums, primarily volatile organic compounds such as trichloroethylene (TCE), spilled and leaked on the site, contaminating soils and groundwater. Cooper Drum was placed on Superfund’s National Priorities List in 2001.
    Over the last 14 years, EPA has overseen the design, construction and operation of soil and groundwater treatment systems aimed at cleaning up TCE, lead, PCBs and petroleum hydrocarbons. The site’s soil vapor extraction system, which has been operating since 2011, has removed over 742 pounds of chemicals from affected soils. The groundwater extraction system has treated more than 17 million gallons of contaminated groundwater since 2012. All water that is served to the residents and businesses in South Gate meets state and federal drinking water standards.
    Drinking high levels of TCE may cause damage to the nervous system, liver and lungs. PCBs are a known human carcinogen and may cause a variety of other adverse health effects on the immune, reproductive, nervous and endocrine systems. Long term exposure to lead can lead to kidney problems or high blood pressure.
    Between 2001 and 2009, EPA’s cleanup activities at the Cooper Drum site relied on public funding. In 2009, agency investigators were able to identify former customers of the drum reconditioning business. Since then, the settling parties, known as the Cooper Drum Cooperating Parties Group, have funded the cleanup and worked cooperatively with EPA. This is the final phase of work for the site for known conditions, and implements the cleanup selected in the Record of Decision in September 2002.
    The settlement, lodged in Federal District Court on December 29, 2015 as a consent decree, will be posted in the Federal Register and available for public comment for a period of 30 days. The consent decree can be viewed on the Justice Department website: www.justice.gov/enrd/Consent_Decrees.html.
    Southern California’s I-710 freeway passes through 15 cities and unincorporated areas including South Gate, where the effects of pollution are disproportionately higher than in other areas of Los Angeles County. Approximately one million people, about 70% of whom are minority and low-income households, are severely impacted by industrial activities and goods movement in the area. In a multi-year effort, federal, state, and local governments and nonprofit organizations are working together to improve the environmental and public health conditions for residents along this corridor.

    [출처 = Water World / 2015년 12월 29일]

  • [기술동향] [미국] 샌안토니오, 염수 담수화 공정 구축

    [미국] 샌안토니오, 염수 담수화 공정 구축
    텍사스의 샌안토니오 워터시스템(SAWS, San Antonio Water System)은 2016년 10월에 미국에서 가장 큰 규모의 염수 담수화 플랜트 구축을 시작한다고 발표했다. SAWS는 민물인 카리조(Carrizo) 대수층에 윌콕스 대수층(Wilcox Aquifer) 내의 염수를 시추한다.
    해당 담수화는 샌안토니오의 주요 물 공급원에 대한 의존도를 낮추려는 계획의 일환으로 에드워즈(Edwards) 대수층에 63%의 물을 공급한다. SAWS는 에드워즈 대수층이 향후 20년 동안 지역 물공급의 38%를 실현할 것으로 기대하고 있다. 
    San Antonio to get brackish desalination in 2016
    The San Antonio Water System (SAWS) in Texas has announced that by October 2016 it will start up a brackish water desalination plant that will eventually become the largest in the US.
    SAWS is drilling through the freshwater Carrizo aquifer into the brackish Wilcox Aquifer. Desalinating Wilcox water is part of the agency\'s plan to reduce reliance on San Antonio\'s main water supply, the Edwards Aquifer which provides 63% of SAWS\'s water. SAWS expects the Edwards contribution to the region\'s supply to 38% over the next 20 years. 
    The US$ 114 million desalination project will contribute 8% of the region\'s water supply.

    SAWS said it had devised measures to avoid contamination of freshwater aquifers with brackish supplies for the desalination facility and to deal with discharged brine. SAWS geologist, Richard Donat, said it had dismissed landfill and piping to a wastewater treatment plant on the grounds that both presented a threat t the local ecology.
    "So the best option we saw was doing a deep well injection," said Donat. The brine, Donat said, will be disposed of nearly a mile underground. 


    [출처 = Desalination & Water Reuse / 2015년 12월 21일]

  • [기술동향] [미국] 지하수협회, 슬래시링크와 파트너 체결

    [미국] 지하수협회, 슬래시링크와 파트너 체결

    미국 지하수협회(NGWA)와 슬래시링크닷컴(SplashLink.com)은 협회 구성원들에게 북아메리카 전역에서의 펀딩 기회뿐만 아니라 산업 입찰 및 프로젝트에 대한 접근권을 부여하기 위한 파트너십을 체결했다.

    NGWA 멤버로 가입하면 고객 맞춤형 이메일 알람 및 슬래시링크 디렉토리 내의 시장에서의 가시성을 얻을 수 있다.


    National Ground Water Association partners with SplashLink

    The National Ground Water Association (NGWA) and SplashLink.com have partnered to give association members access to industry bids and projects, as well as funding opportunities throughout North America.

    Subscribing NGWA members will have access to customisable e-mail alerts and enhanced visibility within the marketplace through the SplashLink.com directory.

    Trisha Freeman, NGWA membership director, said: “We were impressed by SplashLink.com’s ability to help our Members avoid missing projects they could be working on, and to also enable them to find ways to pay for the groundwater-related challenges they may face.”


    [출처 = Water World / 2015년 11월 16일]

  • [기술동향] [미국] 지질연구소, 국가지하수관층망 제안 모집

    [미국] 지질연구소, 국가지하수관층망 제안 모집

    미국 지질연구소(USGS)는 내년도 국가지하수관측망(NGWMN)에 참여를 지원하기 위한 협력협정에 최대 200만 달러의 기금을 수여할 예정이라고 밝혔다.

    USGS는 NGWMN을 개발·관리하기 위해 연방 물정보 자문위원회의 지하수 분과위원회를 운영하고 있다. NGWMN은 협력적인 지하수 데이터 수집·관리·보고 시스템으로 고안된 장치로, 기존에 운영 중인 연방, 주, 마을, 지방 지하수 모니터링 네트워크에서 수집된 데이터를 기반으로 한다.


    USGS seeks National Ground-Water Monitoring Network proposals

    The U.S. Geological Survey will award up to $2 million in cooperative agreements to support participation in the National Ground-Water Monitoring Network (NGWMN) in 2016.

    The USGS is working with the Federal Advisory Committee on Water Information\'s (ACWI) Subcommittee on Ground Water (SOGW) to develop and administer the NGWMN. The NGWMN is designed as a cooperative groundwater data collection, management, and reporting system that will be based on data from selected wells in existing federal, state, tribal, and local groundwater monitoring networks. The network is envisioned as a long-term collaborative partnership among federal and non-federal data providers that will help address present and future groundwater management questions facing the nation.

    Cooperative agreements will provide support for both new and existing data providers in the NGWMN. The USGS will fund new data providers to select and classify sites within existing monitoring programs, to set up web services that will link the data to the NGWMN Portal, and to produce a report describing this process. Existing data providers will receive funds to maintain web services and keep site information current. Information about the cooperative agreements is available on the NGWMN Cooperative Agreements page.

    Interested agencies may apply online at GRANTS.GOV under funding opportunity number G16AS00008. Applications will be accepted from November 16, 2015 through January 19, 2016.

    Two webinars are scheduled to review the application package and answer any question about the opportunity. These are scheduled for December 1st at 2 pm EST and December 8th at 1 pm EST. Registration for the webinars is required. After your registration is accepted, you will receive meeting information.


    [출처 = Water World / 2015년 11월 16일]

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