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  • [기술동향] [Sweetwater] 미국 4천200만달러 규모 담수화 업그레이드 돌입

    [Sweetwater] 미국 4천200만달러 규모 담수화 업그레이드 돌입

    Sweetwater는 미국 출라 비스타(Chula Vista)에 위치한 Richard Reynolds 지하수 담수화 시설의 확장을 시작했으며, 사업은 4천200만 달러 규모다. 이번 확장은 1999년 지어진 Richard Reynolds RO 플랜트의 생산량을 하루 식수생산량 40Ml까지, 두 배 가까이 끌어올릴 것으로 기대되고 있다.

    급수는 대수층에서 제공받게 되며, 이번 프로젝트는 2017년 늦은 봄께 완공될 예정이다.
    Sweetwater starts US$ 42 million desalination upgrade
    Sweetwater Authority has begun its US$ 42 million expansion of the Richard Reynolds Groundwater Desalination facility in Chula Vista.
    The expansion will double the output of the reverse osmosis plant - built in 1999 - to produce drinking water at 40 Ml/d a day. An aquifer will provide its feed water. The project is scheduled for completion in late spring 2017 when it will serve 30% of the water demand in the Sweetwater District, which includes National City, Chula Vista and Bonita.
    "The cost of this water is going to be quite a bit cheaper than imported water. It\'s locally controlled and it\'s drought proof," said Halla Razak, director of public utilities for the city of San Diego.
    The expansion is funded in part by grants from the US Bureau of Reclamation and the state of California. The city of San Diego and the Sweetwater Authority will split the remaining cost for The Sweetwater Authority serves western and central Chula Vista, National City and Bonita. 

    [출처 = Desalination & Water Reuse / 2015년 10월 5일]

  • [기술동향] [미국] 샌안토니오, 1단계 담수화공장 내년 완공

    [미국] 샌안토니오, 1단계 담수화공장 내년 완공

    샌안토니오 지하수 담수화 플랜트의 1단계가 내년 완공될 것으로 보인다. 1억9천300만 달러 규모의 이번 1단계 시설은 샌안토니오 상수도 이용자를 위해 하루 50ML의 신선한 식수를 생산할 예정이다. 샌안토니오 상수도 관계자에 따르면 차후 계획된 나머지 두 단계가 2021년과 2025년 완공되면 하루 120ML 이상의 생산량을 추가로 생산할 것으로 기대된다.

    관계자는 모든 단계에 소요되는 비용은 4억1천만 달러 이상이 될 것이라고 말했다.
    San Antonio first phase desalination set for 2016 finish
    The first phase of a groundwater desalination plant in San Antonio is set to be completed next year. The US$ 193 million first phase will produce fresh drinking water at about 50 Ml/d for customers of the San Antonio Water System.
    According to the San Antonio Water System, two planned subsequent phases will take the output to more than 120 Ml/d by 2021 and 2026. Water System officials said the cost of all phases would come to more than US$ 410 million. The water system has accessed more than US$ 100 million in low-interest loans from the Texas Water Development Board for the project. Work on the plant began in July 2014 at the Water System\'s Twin Oaks plant.Eleven of the plant\'s 12 wells have been drilled but still need to be equipped with pumps and motors. Last year the Water System\'s chief executive officer, Robert Peunte was reported as saying: "the whole state of Texas is excited about," the conversion of salty groundwater to potable water. But San Antonio was yet to do it. "There\'s an ocean of brackish groundwater right under our feet," Peunte said.  

    [출처 = Desalination & Water Reuse / 2015년 9월 15일]

  • [기술동향] [Aquatech] UAE에 담수화 플랜트 건설

    [Aquatech] UAE에 담수화 플랜트 건설

    Aquatech는 아랍에미리트 최북단인 Ras Al Khaimah에 위치한 Ghalilah 지역에 하루 60Ml 규모 해수 역삼투 기반의 담수화 플랜트를 설치했다. 아랍에미리트는 향후 2년 동안 최대 90%까지 지하수 의존도를 줄이려고 하고 있다.

    FEWA는 Aquatech에 플랜트 EPC 계약을 수주했으며, Aquatech는 FEWA에 운영 감독 및 지원을 제공할 예정이다. 8천200만 달러 규모의 이번 플랜트는 지난 3월 운영에 들어갔으며 Ras Al Khaimah 지역에 식수를 공급하고 있다.
    Aquatech installs Emirates desalination plant
    Water and wastewater technology company, Aquatech, has installed a 60 Ml/d seawater reverse osmosis-based desalination plant at Ghalilah, in Ras Al Khaimah, the northernmost of the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
    UAE is seeking to reduce its dependence on groundwater by 90% over the next two years. FEWA awarded Aquatech the engineering-procurement-construction (EPC) contract to build the plant. Aquatech will provide operations supervision and support to FEWA.
    The US$ 82 million plant was commissioned in March 2015 and supplies drinking water for the Emirate of Ras Al Khaimah. It is FEWA\'s largest desalination plant to date.
    "This facility is a pioneer plant in term of the latest technologies that were used, which enables FEWA to save millions of Dirhams in term of reducing power consumption," said director general of FEWA, His Excellency Mohammed Mohammed Saleh.
    Aquatech provided the core reverse osmosis plant, the seawater intake, ultrafiltration, post-treatment, and a sophisticated system for performance enhancement and data monitoring.
    The company supplied dissolved air flotation technology to protect the plant from seasonal red tides of harmful algal blooms which can affect the taste and odour of the water and cause a plant shut down.


    [출처 = Desalination & Water Reuse / 2015년 9월 7일]

  • [기술동향] [EPA] 카드모스와 8천만달러 규모 식수보호 계약 체결

    [EPA] 카드모스와 8천만달러 규모 식수보호 계약 체결
    지난 9월 2일 환경·에너지 자문기업인 카드모스 그룹(Cadmus Group)은 환경보건국(EPA) 지하수 및 식수사업부와 8천만 달러가 넘는 규모의 7년 계약을 체결했다고 발표했다.
    22년이 넘게 EPA의 국가 식수 프로그램을 지원해온 카드모스는 이번 새 계약 하에 △식수 시스템 니즈 설문조사 수행 △다양한 투입 시행에 대한 실제 및 잠재적 영향 연구·분석 △식수 및 지하수 주입 컨트롤 프로그램(UIC) 효과 평가 △식수 인프라 및 운영의 지속가능성 촉진 △오염원으로부터 식수원 보호를 포함한 7개 사항을 지속 시행할 계획이다.




    EPA awards $80M contract to Cadmus for drinking water protection support


    Today, the Cadmus Group, an environmental and energy consulting firm serving government and commercial markets, announced that it has been awarded a seven-year contract worth more than $80 million with the Environmental Protection Agency\'s (EPA) Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water.
    Under the new contract, Cadmus -- which has supported EPA\' national drinking water program for more than 22 years -- will continue to assist the Agency in:
    ·Conducting research and analysis of actual and potential impacts of various injection practices, such as hydraulic fracturing, for non-conventional oil and gas development

    ·Conducting surveys of drinking water system needs

    ·Helping EPA evaluate the effectiveness of state drinking water and underground injection control (UIC) programs

    ·Promoting sustainability of drinking water infrastructure and operation, along with evaluating the safety of drinking water

    ·Protecting drinking water supply sources from contamination

    ·Supporting states and tribes implementing drinking water and UIC standards and regulations

    ·Supporting the implementation of regulations governing the injection and long-term storage of carbon dioxide to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and global climate change

    [출처 = Water World / 2015년 9월 2일]

  • [기술동향] [미국] San Joaquin Valley, 가뭄으로 인한 급격한 침몰

    [미국] San Joaquin Valley, 가뭄으로 인한 급격한 침몰

    캘리포니아는 지속적인 가뭄으로 인해 지하수 펌핑을 계속해서 실행하고 있으며, 수자원의학과는 최근 항공 우주국(NASA)이 제공한 보고서를 공개했다. 보고서에 따르면 캘리포니아 샌 워킨 밸리(San Joaquin Valley) 근방 지대가 전과 비교해 빠르게 침몰 중으로, 몇몇 지역은 한 달 사이 2인치 가까이 가라앉았다고 나타났다.

    가라앉은 땅은 계속되는 가뭄 환경에서 과도한 지하수 펌핑으로 인해 캘리포니아에서 몇 십년 동안 발생된 이전의 지반침하와 같아 보이지만 새로운 데이터를 보면 지반침하가 손상의 위험정도를 더욱 크게 만드는 하부구조 압박과 함께 빠르게 진행되고 있다는 것을 볼 수 있다. 최근 NASA가 시간차를 두고 지구표면의 위성 영상을 확보, 서로를 비교하여 이러한 정보를 얼을 수 있게 되었다.


    NASA report shows San Joaquin Valley rapidly sinking due to drought

    As Californians continue pumping groundwater in response to the ongoing drought, the Department of Water Resources recently released a new report from NASA that shows land in the San Joaquin Valley is sinking faster than ever before, nearly two inches per month in some locations.

    Sinking land, known as subsidence, has occurred for decades in California because of excessive groundwater pumping during drought conditions, but the new data shows the sinking is happening faster, putting infrastructure on the surface at growing risk of damage. NASA obtained the information by comparing satellite images of the Earth\''s surface over time.

    "Because of increased pumping, groundwater levels are reaching record lows -- up to 100 feet lower than previous records," said Department of Water Resources Director Mark Cowin. "As extensive groundwater pumping continues, the land is sinking more rapidly, and this puts nearby infrastructure at greater risk of costly damage."

    Land near Corcoran in the Tulare basin, for example, sank 13 inches in just eight months -- about 1.6 inches per month. Another area, in the Sacramento Valley, was sinking approximately half-an-inch per month, faster than previous measurements. NASA also found areas near the California Aqueduct that sank up to 12.5 inches, with eight inches of that occurring in just four months of 2014.

    The increased subsidence rates have the potential to damage local, state and federal infrastructure, including aqueducts, bridges, roads, and flood-control structures. Long-term subsidence has already destroyed thousands of public and private groundwater well casings in the San Joaquin Valley. Over time, subsidence can permanently reduce the underground aquifer\''s water storage capacity.

    In response to the new findings, and as part of an ongoing effort to respond to the effects of the drought, the Governor\''s Drought Task Force has committed to working with affected communities to develop near- and long-term recommendations to reduce the rate of sinking and address risks to infrastructure.

    This action builds on the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act, enacted by Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. in September 2014, which requires local governments to form sustainable groundwater agencies that will regulate pumping and recharge to better manage groundwater supplies (see: "California\''s Water Woes - A Deeper Look at the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act").

    The Department of Water Resources is also launching a $10-million program to help counties with stressed groundwater basins to develop or strengthen local ordinances and conservation plans. This funding comes from the statewide Water Bond passed last year, and applications for funding will be posted in the coming days. This year\''s budget, passed in July, also enables streamlined environmental review for any county ordinance that reduces groundwater pumping.

    NASA will also continue its subsidence monitoring, using data from the European Space Agency\''s recently launched Sentinel-1 mission to cover a broader area and identify more vulnerable locations.

    [출처 = Water World / 2015년 8월 20일]

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