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  • [기술동향] [Evoqua] 전기화학 모듈 실행가능성 시험

    [Evoqua] 전기화학 모듈 실행가능성 시험

    에보쿠아(Evoqua)는 뉴멕시코 앨러머고도(Alamogordo)시에 위치한 염분 지하수 국가담수화연구시설(Brackish Groundwater National Desalination Research Facility)에서 자사의 ‘넥스트(Nexed)’ 전기화학 담수화 모듈의 시험을 완료했다고 발표했다.

    이번 시험은 연구시설에서 공듭된 다양한 기수(brackish water) 급수원을 테스트했다. 에보쿠아는 시험 결과 다양한 범위의 기수자원 모두에 걸쳐 에보쿠아의 전기화학 담수화 기술의 다양성을 구현했다고 밝혔다.


    Evoqua pilot shows electrochemical modules viable

    Evoqua has completed a pilot of its Nexed electrochemical desalination modules at the Brackish Groundwater National Desalination Research Facility in Alamogordo, New Mexico.

    The pilot tested a variety of brackish water feed sources provided by the research facility. Its findings, according to Evoqua, demonstrated the viability of the company's electrochemical desalination technology across the range of brackish sources. The results have led Evoqua to develop a larger pilot using production Nexed modules that can be utilized to demonstrate the technology at facilities across the world, the company said.

    Nexed modules are already the foundation of a 2 Ml/d desalination demonstration facility nearing completion in Tuas Singapore. Evoqua is working with Singapore's national water agency, PUB, to build the new desalination facility. The facility is nearing completion and staged increases in flow rate will be achieved through 2017 after the first 90 m³/d system is installed in early-2016.

    According to Evoqua, more than 80% of municipal drinking water systems in the US serve a population base using this amount of output.

    The Brackish Groundwater National Desalination Research Facility is the focal point for developing technologies for the desalination of brackish and impaired groundwater found in the inland states. It houses researchers from other federal government agencies, universities, the private sector, research organizations, and state and local agencies to work collaboratively and in partnership toward improving our nation's water resources.

    [출처 = Desalination & Water Reuse / 2016년 3월 22일]

  • [기술동향] [이스라엘] 담수화를 위한 염분지하수의 활용 연구

    [이스라엘] 담수화를 위한 염분지하수의 활용 연구

    이스라엘 벤구리온대학 연구진에 따르면 해안 대수층에서 염분지하수를 활용하는 방안은 멤브레인 오염 및 전처리 비용의 감소 등의 장점을 가져 해수 역삼투 담수화보다 나은 대안이 될 수 있다.

    이번 연구는 국제적 환경 전문지인 「환경과학과 기술(Environmental Science & Technology)」에 게재되었으며 벤구리온대학의 물 연구를 위한 주크버크 기관(Zuckerberg Institute for Water Research) 및 지질환경과학부(Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences), 이스라엘 지질조사부(Israel Geological Survey) 등에서 수행되었다. 연구에서 수직정(vertical wells)은 염분지하수에서 샘플을 채취하기 위해 사용되었다.


    Saline groundwater better option for desalination, finds study

    Saline groundwater from coastal aquifers is a better alternative water source than seawater for reverse osmosis (RO) desalination due to reduced membrane fouling and pre-treatment costs, researchers at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) have found.

    The study was published in Environmental Science & Technology and conducted by Researchers at the BGU Zuckerberg Institute for Water Research, the BGU Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences and the Israel Geological Survey.

    In the study, vertical wells were used to take samples from the saline groundwater. All the wells were a maximum of 300 feet (100 meters) from the shoreline. Researchers said that other saline groundwater benefits include consistent annual water temperatures, and lower levels of dissolved oxygen, silt density and phytoplankton. It also decreases the cost of desalination, researchers said.

    “Decision-makers in both California and Israel can use this research to seriously consider saline groundwater as a realistic alternative when planning future large-scale seawater desalination facilities,” explained Dr. Roni Kasher, a senior lecturer in the BGU Zuckerberg Institute’s Department of Desalination and Water Treatment. “In Israel, seawater desalination accounts for 60% of the total freshwater supply, so these findings are significant.”

    BGU researcher Shaked Stein said: “Saline groundwater results from seawater intrusion into coastal aquifers, shifting the fresh-saline water interface upward and landward, and replaces fresh groundwater with saline groundwater. The RO process in coastal aquifers will be helpful in restraining seawater intrusion.

    "The study showed that aquifer filtration increases the feed water quality and reduces the need for extensive pre-treatment processes. RO desalination with saline groundwater as feed water is also more efficient, with higher freshwater recoveries, less chemical use and maintenance, and therefore less overall operational costs."

    Due to seasonal seawater characteristic fluctuations, Stein specifically recommended using saline groundwater in the summertime rather than seawater since the research identified higher membrane fouling in summer. “Salt rejection decreases in elevated temperatures due to changes in membrane permeability and mass transfer.”

    Saline Groundwater from Coastal Aquifers as a Source for Desalination research received support from the Water Authority of Israel.

    [출처 = Water World / 2016년 3월 9일]

  • [기술동향] [미국] 캘리포니아, 원전 내 담수화 플랜트에 주목

    [미국] 캘리포니아, 원전 내 담수화 플랜트에 주목

    캘리포니아 샌 루이스 오비스포(San Luis Obispo) 카운티 이사회는 긴급 수자원으로서 처리된 폐수를 디아블로 협곡(Diablo Canyon) 원자력 플랜트에 위치한 담수화 시설의 확장량 및 대수층에 추가하는 하수재생프로그램을 승인했다.

    몇 년의 가뭄을 거치며 사우스 카운티의 주요 수자원인 로페즈호(Lopez Lake)의 수량은 29%까지 감소했고, 대수층도 줄어들었다. 디아블로 협곡에 위치한 하루 3.2Ml 규모의 담수화 플랜트 확장이 제안됐으며, 프로젝트가 진행될 경우 RO 시설 확장을 통해 연간 1천250Ml의 새로운 물이 생산될 것으로 보인다.


    Drought stricken California county looks to nuclear plant desalination plant

    California's San Luis Obispo County board of supervisors has approved a sewage reclamation project that could add treated wastewater to an aquifer and the expansion of a desalination facility at the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant as emergency water supply options.

    Years of drought have reduced South County's main water source, Lopez Lake, to 29% capacity, shrunk aquifers and made deliveries from the State Water Project pipeline unreliable.

    A proposed expansion of Diablo Canyon's 3.2 Ml/d desalination plant has the potential to produce the most new water - as much as 1,250 Ml a year through expansion of the reverse osmosis facility.

    A 10 km pipeline would have to be installed to connect the plant to the Lopez Lake pipeline. A feasibility study is underway.

    Deputy public works director, Mark Hutchinson, told local press that the planing project would cost up to US$ 500,000 and construction of the pipeline would cost up to US$ 11 million. He said the county would seek state grants for drought relief to offset the costs.

    A sewage reclamation project at Pismo Beach could generate some 800 Ml of treated, recycled wastewater to be injected into groundwater supplies. That project has become a regional one, with other cities in the area collaborating.
    Construction could begin next year and finish at the end of 2018.

    Saltwater intrusion into the Santa Maria groundwater basin since 2009 forced water retailers to reduce their pumping to 30% of their entitlements. Low reservoir levels in Northern California have led to severely limited deliveries from the State Water Project in 2014 and 2015.

    The Diablo Canyon desalination facility has been operating at 40 % capacity to meet the power station's needs. The desalination report identified other opportunities including expansion of other desalination facilities in Morro Bay and Cambria and co-locating new facilities on industrial sites.

    [출처 = Desalination & Water Reuse / 2016년 3월 1일]

  • [기술동향] [EPA] 주유소 9곳에 지하수 보호 촉구

    [EPA] 주유소 9곳에 지하수 보호 촉구

    미국 환경보호청(EPA)은 지하에 저장된 연료탱크로부터 지하 식수자원을 보호하기 위해 고안된 연방 법을 준수하도록 하기 위해 알래스카, 오레곤, 워싱턴에 위치한 주유소 9곳과 합의에 도달했다. 이들 주유소는 반복된 위반으로 벌금을 문 업체로, 이 중 일부는 계속된 불이행으로 연료 수송을 제재받기도 했다.

    EPA 시애틀 지하수부문 매니저인 Peter Contreras는 “지하 연료탱크 소유주 및 운영자는 이러한 정보를 숙지해야 하고, 위해 요소로부터 지하수를 보호하기 위해 시스템을 안전하게 운영해야 한다”고 말했다.


    EPA focus on groundwater protection results in nine enforcement actions at gas stations in Alaska, Oregon & Washington

    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency reached settlements with nine gas stations in Alaska, Oregon and Washington to bring them into compliance with federal laws designed to protect underground sources of drinking water from fuel tanks stored below ground. The gas stations were subject to increased penalties for repeat violations, and some were blocked from receiving fuel shipments for continued non-compliance.

    “Underground fuel tank owners and operators must be knowledgeable and safely operate their systems to prevent harmful releases,” said Peter Contreras, Manager of EPA’s Groundwater Unit in Seattle. “Repeat violators will face stiffer penalties and may be blocked from receiving fuel shipments.”

    Under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act’s underground storage tank regulations, facilities that store petroleum or other certain hazardous liquids underground are required to install and maintain line leak detector systems on underground piping and conduct line tests.

    All but one of the nine stations listed below has agreed to correct the problems, improve their management of underground fuel tanks, and come into compliance with federal rules. Shell Gas Station in Hoquiam, Washington is prohibited from receiving fuel delivery until it returns to compliance.

    Failure to properly monitor tanks and underground piping contributed to more than 6,800 new petroleum spills across the United States in 2015. State regulatory agencies and EPA are working to respond to prevent new groundwater contamination and petroleum spills, which add to the over 70,000 properties contaminated from leaking underground tank systems nationwide. A leaking underground tank can present other health and environmental risks, including the potential for fire and explosion.

    In 2015, EPA strengthened its underground storage tank regulations by increasing emphasis on properly operating and maintaining underground tank equipment. The revisions will help prevent and detect underground tank releases and help ensure all underground tanks in the U.S., including those in Indian country, meet the same minimum standards. This is the first major revision to the federal underground storage tank regulations since 2005.

    [출처 = Water World / 2016년 2월 23일]

  • [기술동향] [Evoqua] 캘리포니아서 식수처리계약 체결

    [Evoqua] 캘리포니아서 식수처리계약 체결

    에보쿠아(Evoqua Water Technologies)는 캘리포니아 로블레스(Robles)시에 수처리 솔루션 및 서비스를 제공하는 업체로 선정됐다고 발표했다. 역사적인 가뭄이 캘리포니아를 덮친 가운데 파소 로블레스(Paso Robles)시는 중요한 물공급 도전과제에 직면해 있다.

    과거 이 시는 거대한 대수층에서 발원된 지하수에 수원을 전적으로 의존했으나, 최근에는 물공급을 다양화 및 향상하기 위해 ‘마시미엔토강(Lake Nacimiento) 물 프로젝트’를 시작하고 연간 4천 에이커 피트 규모의 물 혜택을 확보했다.


    Evoqua to treat drinking water in Paso Robles, Calif.

    Evoqua Water Technologies today announced it was chosen to provide water treatment solutions and services to the City of Paso Robles, Calif.

    As the historic drought in California continues, the City of Paso Robles faces significant water supply challenges. In the past, the City relied entirely on groundwater, drawn from a large aquifer. To diversify and improve the integrity of its water supply, the City launched the “Lake Nacimiento Water project” and secured a supplemental 4,000 acre-feet per year water entitlement. The use of the Lake Nacimiento water will enable the City to reduce its dependency on the Paso Robles Groundwater Basin, and provide a reliable long-term water supply. Evoqua Water Technologies was retained to design, manufacture and install a granular activated carbon adsorption system as a part of the new treatment plant.

    The new treatment plant is utilizing Evoqua’s UltraCarb® 1240AW granular activated carbon media, widely considered the best available technology, to treat the Lake Nacimiento water supply for removal of total organic compounds. By utilizing this advanced carbon, the City of El Paso de Robles expects to treat more water per pound of carbon than would otherwise be possible using standard coal-based carbons. This will significantly reduce the life cycle cost of treatment and save the City of Paso Robles and its water users money over time.

    Evoqua supplied two (2) custom built HP ® Series 1220SYS adsorption systems. The ASME code-stamped 12 ft. diameter 20,000 pound media capacity vessels are carbon steel, lined and manufactured/assembled at Evoqua’s Red Bluff, Calif., state-of-the-art manufacturing facility.

    “Evoqua has a deep-rooted history of helping communities across the world address their drinking water needs, said Christopher Rinaldi, Vice President/GM of Evoqua's Environmental Solutions business. “We are honored to have been selected to partner with The City of Paso Robles to help address their drinking water needs for years to come. And we will do so using locally-manufactured equipment supporting the people, environment and economy in the State of California.”

    [출처 = Water World / 2016년 2월 18일]

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