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  • [기술동향] [미국] 우라늄 가공으로 오염된 지하수 박테리아로 정화 가능

    [미국] 우라늄 가공으로 오염된 지하수 박테리아로 정화 가능

    미국 럿거스 대학교(Rutgers University) 소속 과학자와 협력자로 구성된 연구진은 새 연구결과에서 우라늄을 뿜어내는 박테리아의 변형(strain)이 원자력 무기를 만들기 위해 가공된 우라늄 광석이 존재하는 지역에서 오염된 지하수를 정화하는 열쇠를 쥐고 있을 가능성이 있다고 발표했다.

    연구진은 콜로라도 라이플(Rifle)시에 위치한 오래된 우라늄 광석공장에 있는 토양에서 박테리아를 발견했다. 이 곳은 콜로라도주에 있는 9개의 노후 우라늄 광석공장 중 하나로, 원자력 무기 생산이 최고조일 때 가동됐다.
    Bacteria could help clean groundwater polluted by uranium processing, research finds
    According to new research conducted by a team of scientists and collaborators at Rutgers University, a strain of bacteria that "breathes" uranium may hold the key to cleaning up polluted groundwater at sites where uranium ore was processed to make nuclear weapons. The group discovered the bacteria in soil at an old uranium ore mill in the city of Rifle, Colo., almost 200 miles west of Denver. The site is one of nine such mills in the state used during the peak of nuclear weapons production.
    The research is part of a U.S. Department of Energy program to examine if microorganisms can lock up uranium that leached into the soil years ago and now makes well water in the area unsafe to drink. The team\''s discovery is the first known instance where scientists have found a bacterium from a common class known as betaproteobacteria that breathes uranium. This bacterium can breathe either oxygen or uranium to drive the chemical reactions that provide life-giving energy.
    "After the newly discovered bacteria interact with uranium compounds in water, the uranium becomes immobile," said Lee Kerkhof, a professor of marine and coastal sciences in the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences. "It is no longer dissolved in the groundwater and therefore can\''t contaminate drinking water brought to the surface." Kerkhof leads the Rutgers team that works with U.S. Department of Energy researchers.
    The Rutgers team was able to isolate the uranium-breathing bacterium in the lab by recognizing that uranium in samples from the Rifle site could be toxic to microorganisms as well as humans. The researchers looked for signs of bacterial activity when they gradually added small amounts of dissolved uranium at the right concentration back to the samples where uranium had become immobilized. Once they found the optimal uranium concentrations, they were able to isolate the novel strain.
    Exactly how the strain evolved, Kerkhof said, "we are not sure." But, he noted that bacteria have the ability to pass genes to each other. So just like bacteria pick up resistance to things like antibiotics and heavy metal toxicity, this bacterium "picked up a genetic element that\''s now allowing it to detoxify uranium, to actually grow on uranium." His research team has completed sequencing its genome to support future research into the genetic elements that allow the bacterium to grow on uranium.
    What Kerkhof is optimistic about is the potential for these bacteria to mitigate the specific groundwater pollution problem in Rifle. Scientists at first expected the groundwater to flush into the Colorado River and carry the dissolved uranium with it, where it would get diluted to safer levels. But that hasn\''t happened. Other potential methods of remediation, such as digging up the contaminated soil or treating it with harsh chemicals, are thought to be too expensive or hazardous.
    "Biology is a way to solve this contamination problem, especially in situations like this where the radionuclides are highly diluted but still present at levels deemed hazardous," said Kerkhof. If the approach is successful, it could be considered for other sites where uranium was processed for nuclear arsenals or power plant fuel. While the problem isn\''t widespread, he said there\''s potentially a lot of water to be concerned about. And the problem could spread beyond traditional places such as ore processing sites.


    [출처 = Water World / 2015년 6월 16일]

  • [기술동향] [미국] 지하수 자원 고갈에 따른 관리 및 조치 촉구

    [미국] 지하수 자원 고갈에 따른 관리 및 조치 촉구
    식량농업기구(Food and Agriculture Organization, FAO), 월드뱅크(World Bank), 유네스코(UNESCO), 국제수문지질학회(International Association of Hydrogeologists, IAH), 지구환경기금(Global Environment Facility, GEF)은 한정된 지하수 자원의 고갈 및 긴급저하에 따른 변화를 관리하기 위해 국제사회에서의 조치를 촉구하고 있다.
    이러한 협력은 일련의 원칙을 제시하며, 정부는 2030년을 기준으로 목표실행을 위한 전체구조를 설정해 지하수의 지속가능한 이용을 위한 지하수 관리에 보다 힘을 쏟을 방침이다. 
    Global agencies call for action to better manage depleting groundwater resources
    The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the World Bank, UNESCO, the International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH) and the Global Environment Facility (GEF) called for action by the global community to manage the growing, urgent degradation and depletion of limited groundwater resources.
    The collaboration proposed a set of principles, “The 2030 Vision and Global Framework for Action,” governments can use for better groundwater management to ensure sustainable use of groundwater. The 2030 Vision and Global Framework for Action supplies the framework and guiding principles for coordinated action among organizations and governments. The set of principles, a product of four years of consultations with stakeholders from more than 100 counties, highlights legal and institutional frameworks, information and incentive structures, plans, and policies for effective groundwater management.


    [출처 = NSF International / 2015년 6월 1일]

  • [기술동향] [미국] 미 서부 물 수요 확인 위한 강 유역 연구결과 발표

    [미국] 미 서부 물 수요 확인 위한 강 유역 연구결과 발표

    미 교화국(Bureau of Reclamation)은 미국 내 기후변화로 인해 증가하는 니즈 및 예상되는 수요와 강의 가용 보급률간의 불균형 증가를 확인하고자 최근 시행한 일련의 강 유역 연구결과를 발표했다. 연구는 콜로라도 강 유역, 리오그란데 평원, 산타아나 유역, 야키마 강, 헨리포크 유역 등에서 이루어졌다.

    이번 유역 연구의 목적은 복잡한 물공급 및 관리 도전과제를 충족하기 위한 옵션을 찾아내고, 동부 스네이크 평원의 대수층 종합관리 및 아이다호주 물 계획을 충족시키며, 기후변화 및 여러 리스크를 완화시킬 기회에 따른 물공급을 규명함으로써 주와 지역의 계획 노력을 지원하는 것이다.
    Reclamation releases river basin study examining water needs in Western U.S.
    The Bureau of Reclamation has announced the latest in a series of river basin studies that examine the growing imbalance between available supply, increasing needs and projected demand due to climate change in the western United States. Studies have been completed in the Colorado River Basin, Lower Rio Grande, Milk-St. Mary Rivers, Santa Ana Watershed, Yakima River, and the most recently completed Henrys Fork Basin.
    The purpose of this basin study is to assist state and local planning efforts by exploring options for meeting the complex water supply and management challenges, meeting the goals of the Eastern Snake Plain Aquifer Comprehensive Aquifer Management Plan and Idaho State Water Plan, as well as identifying risks posed to water supply by climate change and opportunities to mitigate those risks.
    The Henrys Fork of the Snake River, located in Southeastern Idaho, provides irrigation water for more than 280,000 acres, sustains a world-class trout fishery and is home for native Yellowstone cutthroat trout. Reclamation and the Idaho Water Resource Board prepared the Henrys Fork Basin Study while working with the Henrys Fork Watershed Council. The final report includes alternatives, which provide the board and other interested stakeholders options to meet the water demands in the future.
    This basin study was conducted as part of WaterSMART. WaterSMART is the U.S. Department of the Interior\'s sustainable water initiative that uses the best available science to improve water conservation and help water resource managers identify strategies to narrow the gap between supply and demand.
    Basin studies are comprehensive water studies that define options for meeting future water demands in river basins in the western United States where imbalances in water supply and demand exist or are projected to exist. Through these studies, Reclamation collaborates with non-federal cost-share partners to help ensure sustainable water supplies in the West.

    [출처 = Water World / 2015년 6월 15일]

  • [기술동향] [Xylem] 캘리포니아 정수 플랜트에 획기적 물 재사용 기술 도입

    [Xylem] 캘리포니아 정수 플랜트에 획기적 물 재사용 기술 도입

    글로벌 수처리기업 자일럼(Xylem)은 캘리포니아 로스앤젤레스시의 정수·재활용수 공급을 증가시키는 데 도움을 주기 위해 독특한 물 재이용 솔루션을 공급해 왔다고 발표했다. 자일럼의 ‘베데코 MiPRO 포토(Wedeco MiPRO photo)’ 고도산화처리공정(AOP)은 로스앤젤레스의 터미널 아일랜드(Terminal Island) 정수플랜트가 캘리포니아의 안전하고 비용효율적인 간접식용수(IPR)에 대한 엄격한 지하수 충전 규제를 준수할 수 있도록 보장한다. 

    자일럼 ‘베데코 MiPRO 포토 AOP 솔루션’은 다른 기술로 제거될 수 없는 병원균 및 오염물질을 차단하기 위한 마지막 단계에 설치될 예정이다. 
    CA water reclamation plant to install groundbreaking water reuse technology
    Xylem, a global water technology company, recently announced that it has been commissioned to deliver a unique water reuse solution to help increase the supply of purified, recycled water in the city of Los Angeles, Calif. The company\'s Wedeco MiPRO photo Advanced Oxidation Process (AOP) will ensure that the city\'s Terminal Island Water Reclamation Plant complies with California\'s stringent groundwater recharge regulations for indirect potable reuse (IPR) in the safest and most cost-effective way possible.
    Xylems Wedeco MiPRO photo AOP solution will be installed as a final barrier against pathogens and contaminants that cannot be removed by other technologies. The system is part of an expansion of the plant at the Advanced Water Purification Facility, which includes microfiltration and reverse osmosis prior to AOP. The customized solution, validated through extensive pilot-scale testing at the plant, will be the first greenfield AOP design using ultraviolet (UV) light with chlorine for IPR.
    The Terminal facility treats wastewater from more than 100 businesses in the heavily industrialized Los Angeles harbor area and from 130,000 residents, including the communities of Wilmington, San Pedro, and a portion of Harbor City. The plant purifies tertiary effluent, producing potable water quality for recharging the stressed drinking water aquifers. The recycled water will be used as a barrier against seawater intrusion to protect the groundwater against increased salinity, as well as a supply to local industries.
    Los Angeles Sanitation is the owner and operator of the Terminal plant that will provide 12 million gallons per day of highly purified water for beneficial use to reduce dependency on imported potable water supplies. Construction for the second-phase expansion will begin in 2015 with operation expected to commence in 2017.
    Additionally, Xylem will be supplying a Sanitaire aeration system to the facility for enhancing the performance of the existing wastewater biological treatment system. The Sanitaire fine bubble aeration grids will consist of Silver Series II membrane disc diffusers and ceramic disc diffusers to enhance oxygen transfer, reduce energy costs and improve the quality of the water feeding the Advanced Water Purification Facility. The company has now provided fine bubble diffused aeration to all the Los Angeles Sanitation\'s wastewater treatment plants.


    [출처 = Water World / 2015년 6월 3일]

  • [기술동향] [미국] DEP, 펜실베니아 27개 구역의 가뭄문제 선언

    [미국] DEP, 펜실베니아 27개 구역의 가뭄문제 선언
    DEP(환경보호부 : Department of Environmental Protection)는 펜실베니아주 전역 27개 구역의 건조한 가을과 강수량이 평균 이하인 겨울 무렵 가뭄문제를 조사한 결과 지하수와 지표수 수준이 평균 이하로 나타났다고 밝혔다.
    3가지 가뭄의 분류방식에 따르면 현재 가뭄 수준은 최소 심각 수준으로, 물 사용 시 꼭 필요할 때가 아니면 자발적으로 6%를 감소해 사용할 것을 권장하고 있다. 
    Pennsylvania DEP invokes drought watch declaration for 27 counties 
    As a result of below-average groundwater and surface water levels across Pennsylvania -- caused by a dry fall and below-normal precipitation in the winter -- the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has invoked a drought watch for 27 counties across the state.
    The counties covered under the declaration are: Berks, Bradford, Cambria, Carbon, Clinton, Columbia, Indiana, Lackawanna, Lawrence, Luzerne, Lycoming, McKean, Mercer, Monroe, Montour, Northumberland, Pike, Potter, Schuylkill, Snyder, Sullivan, Susquehanna, Tioga, Union, Wayne, Westmoreland, and Wyoming.
    A drought watch is the first and least-severe level of the state\'s three drought classifications, calling for a voluntary 5-percent reduction in non-essential water use. DEP has notified all water suppliers in the affected areas of the need to monitor their supplies, particularly those that rely upon groundwater, and update their drought contingency plans as necessary.
    Through a cooperative program with the U.S. Geological Survey, DEP helps fund a statewide network of gauges to monitor groundwater levels and stream flows. This network provides the state\'s drought coordinator with comprehensive data that is used to determine drought classifications.
    In addition to precipitation, groundwater and stream flow levels, DEP monitors soil moisture and water supply storage. This data is shared with other state and federal agencies. DEP also offers water conservation recommendations and water audit procedures for commercial and industrial users, such as food processors, hotels and educational institutions.

    [출처 = Water World / 2015년 5월 26일]

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