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  • [기술동향] [American Water] 뉴욕 초등학교에 새로운 지열시스템 도입

    [American Water] 뉴욕 초등학교에 새로운 지열시스템 도입

    아메리칸 워터(American Water, AW)는 미국 최대의 물과 폐수 관련 회사로 뉴욕에 있는 자회사가 큰 건물에 대해 가열과 냉각 방식을 이용한 지열 신기술을 도입했다고 최근 발표했다. 이번 연구는 기존의 지열시스템을 변환해 재생에너지를 새롭게 응용하는 프로그램을 소개한다.

    AW의 지열시스템은 열 교환기를 통과시켜서 물의 열적 특성을 이용해 밸리 스트림(Valley Stream)마을의 윌리엄 L. 벅(William L. Buck) 초등학교에 적용했다. 이는 1950년대부터 존재해 온 기존 지열방식에서 출발했다.


    American Water piloting new geothermal innovation at NY elementary school

    American Water (AW), the largest publicly traded U.S. water and wastewater utility company, has announced that its subsidiary in New York is piloting a geothermal innovation to heat and cool larger buildings. The new research and development pilot could transform traditional geothermal systems and introduce a new application in renewable energy.

    The AW geothermal system at the William L. Buck Elementary School in Valley Stream, N.Y., uses the thermal properties of the water as it passes through a heat exchanger. It is a departure from traditional geothermal -- which has been in existence since the 1950s -- by eliminating the need to drill over a hundred deep geothermal boreholes, thereby significantly reducing initial construction costs. During this phase of the pilot program, after the water passes through the heat exchanger, it is returned to the aquifer via a diffusion well.

    "American Water is taking a creative approach to traditional geothermal and developing a new application that will lower energy costs and reduce a building\'s carbon footprint," said William M. Varley, senior vice president of AW\'s Northeast Division. "We are providing heating and cooling for a 40,000-square-foot school without utilizing fossil fuel in the winter months."

    Temperatures in each classroom can be individually controlled, and with the AW geothermal system in operation, administrators, teachers and students have a much more comfortable learning environment. For the first time ever, the William L. Buck Elementary School can be cooled in summer, enabling the school district to relocate summertime programs and events to the facility.

    Construction of the geothermal system began in September 2014 with crews working at night without any disruption to student learning. By February 2015, duct work was complete, the heating and cooling geothermal console units had been installed in each classroom, and the system was put into service.

    [출처 = Water World / 2015년 7월 15일]

  • [기술동향] [미국] 플로리다 대규모 역삼투 시스템에 오존을 사용한 H2S 방식 도입

    [미국] 플로리다 대규모 역삼투 시스템에 오존을 사용한 H2S 방식 도입

    플로리다주의 클리어워터(Clearwater) 지역의 수처리 플랜트에 최근 새로운 염수 역삼투방식이 도입되었다. 이는 플로리다주의 대규모 역삼투 시스템에서 활용했던 기존의 오존을 사용한 H2S 처리 방식에서 두 번째로 도입된 방식이다.

    새로운 수처리방식에 앞서 클리어워터는 플로리다 대수층에서 물을 사용하며, 자역의 물공급 업체에서 대량으로 제품을 구매했다. 물에 소요되는 비용을 관리하는 노력으로, 환경을 보호하고 수자원을 절약하는 도시의 통합 물관리 전략(Water Management Strategy)을 향상을 구현할 방침이다.


    First large-scale RO system in FL to use ozone for treating H2S in RO permeate

    The city of Clearwater, Fla., recently completed its new brackish reverse osmosis (RO) water treatment plant (WTP) No. 2, which serves as the first large-scale RO municipal system in the state of Florida to use ozone to treat H2S in RO permeate.

    Prior to the new WTP, Clearwater used water from the Florida Aquifer and purchased it in bulk from a regional water supplier. In an effort to manage the cost of water, protect the environment and conserve water resources, the city implemented an Integrated Water Management Strategy. One of the key priorities was to begin making improvements to and expanding its existing potable water system, including the upgrade of the existing WTP with a 6.25-million-gallons-per-day (MGD) brackish water RO plant.

    Reiss Engineering, a civil and environmental engineering firm, completed the design and permitting for the facility, and Poole & Kent Contractors, a mechanical contractor for the eastern Mid-Atlantic region, completed its construction. Working together with the Clearwater, Reiss was able to incorporate state-of-the-art sustainability practices and design elements into the plant\'s early stages of design to increase its efficiency, reduce adverse impacts to the environment, and provide long-term cost-saving benefit to the city.

    Some of the sustainable design elements included "Florida-Friendly" landscaping and efficient irrigation, efficient pumping fixtures, subaqueous pipeline crossings to avoid wetland or environmental impacts, a cool roof, community connectivity, an energy-efficient HVAC system, and insulated walls and roof, to name a few.

    The new $30-million WTP was funded in part by the South West Florida Water Management District. It can produce 6.25 MGD of water a day that meets or exceeds state and federal standards and will serve 100,000 customers throughout the city. Most recently, the WTP was awarded the 2015 Public Works Project of the Year Award from the Florida Chapter of the American Public Works Association. The grand opening of the facility took place on Thursday, June 4.

    [출처 = Water World / 2015년 7월 6일]

  • [기술동향] [미국] EPA, 지하저장탱크 내 석유누축 처리에 120만 달러 지급

    [미국] EPA, 지하저장탱크 내 석유누축 처리에 120만 달러 수여

    미국 환경보호청(EPA)은 최근 지하저장탱크(UST)로부터의 석유 누출에 대한 대응으로 오클라호마 기업 보전 위원회(Oklahoma Corporation Conservation Commission)에 45만9천 달러를 수여했다고 밝혔다. 위원회는 또한, 석유누출 정화를 위해 80만9천 달러를 받을 예정이다.

    지난 달 EPA는 지하수 오염의 주범 중 하나인 UST로부터 누출되는 석유 예방 및 감지를 향상하기 위해 연방 UST 필요조건을 강화한 바 있다.
    EPA awards OK $1.2M to address petroleum leaks in underground storage tanks
    The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently announced that it has awarded the Oklahoma Corporation Conservation Commission $459,000 to respond to petroleum leaks from underground storage tanks (UST). Likewise, the organization will also receive $809,000 to clean petroleum leaks.
    Last week, EPA strengthened the federal UST requirements to improve prevention and detection of petroleum releases from USTs, which are one of the leading sources of groundwater contamination (see: "EPA strengthens UST requirements to reduce leaks"). The action also strengthened existing requirements to help ensure USTs in the U.S. meet the same release protection standards.
    Leaks from USTs allow toxic fumes and vapors to escape and collect in areas such as parking garages or basements where they can cause explosions or respiratory illness. Toxic contaminants can also leak into groundwater sources that people depend on for drinking water. Regularly monitoring tanks and pipes minimizes contamination risks.
    USTs contain petroleum products like diesel fuel, gasoline and kerosene. Some USTs are used to store hazardous substances. The greatest potential hazard from a leaking UST is that these contaminants can seep into the soil and contaminate groundwater, the source of drinking water for nearly half of all Americans, making water unsafe or unpleasant to drink.
    EPA regularly works with state, local and tribal governments to ensure that UST systems are installed, operated, maintained, and closed safely. UST compliance prevents harm to others and the environment. EPA UST grants help provide technical assistance, outreach, training, inspections, enforcement, and remediation.


    [출처 = Water World / 2015년 6월 30일]

  • [기술동향] [미국] WRD, 지역주민과 폐수재활용 프로젝트 협업

    [미국] WRD, 지역주민과 폐수재활용 프로젝트 협업

    지난 6월 초 캘리포니아 Pico Rivera 지역 주민 75여 명이 서부 캘리포니아 물 함양 구역(Water Replenishment District, WRD)에 주요 폐수재활용 시설을 짓는 계획을 검토하고, 프로젝트를 심미적으로 아름답게 만들 뿐만 아니라 교육 프로그램 및 지역행사 장소로 활용할 수 있는 방안을 제시했다.

    5.2에이커 규모의 부지에 지어지는 이 첨단 처리 플랜트는 연간 수십억 갤런의 폐수를 정화하고, 지하수 보충수를 재활용하기 위한 선진 처리방법을 이용할 예정이다.
    WRD collaborates with residents on major wastewater recycling project
    At the beginning of June, more than 75 residents of Pico Rivera, Calif., reviewed a plan proposed by the Water Replenishment District (WRD) of Southern California to build a major wastewater recycling facility in their city and suggested ways to make the project aesthetically-pleasing as well as a venue for education programs and community events.
    Located on a 5.2-acre site, the state-of-the-art treatment plant would purify billions of gallons of wastewater annually and use advanced treatment methods to recycle that water for groundwater replenishment. The meeting gave local residents an opportunity to share their views about how the facility should be designed and the types of community amenities that could be included in the project.
    Pico Rivera Planning Commissioner Paul Gomez Gomez urged WRD to include instructional exhibits at the facility for school-age students to learn about the importance of water conservation and to make its public amenities as user-friendly as possible. Other design and amenity suggestions included Southwestern-style landscaping, adobe-like architecture, demonstration gardens, bathroom and drinking fountain facilities, a pet-friendly area, picnic tables, and a pedestrian bridge so local residents could easily and safely walk to the site.
    WRD officials used the meeting to explain that the 45,000-square-foot water treatment facility that will occupy about a third of the 5.2-acre site is part of WRD\'s Groundwater Reliability Improvement Program (GRIP). Under that program, WRD will entirely use recycled wastewater to recharge the giant underground aquifers the agency manages. The groundwater pumped out of those aquifers by local water companies and municipalities provides about 40 percent of the water used by 4 million residents of South Los Angeles County.
    Currently, about one third of the water WRD acquires to replenish the aquifers is imported from Northern California or the Colorado River. However, imported water is becoming increasingly expensive and difficult to obtain -- conditions that have been aggravated by the state\'s drought, Whitaker explained. When the water treatment facility in Pico Rivera becomes fully operational, WRD will no longer have to acquire imported water to keep its aquifers full.


    [출처 = Water World / 2015년 6월 24일]

  • [기술동향] [미국] EPA, 누수 절감 위해 연방 UST 요구조건 강화

    [미국] EPA, 누수 절감 위해 연방 UST 요구조건 강화

    환경보호청(EPA)은 대표적인 지하수 오염원 중 하나인 지하수저장탱크(UST)에서 배출된 석유의 예방 및 감지를 향상시키고자 연방 지하수저장탱크 자격요건을 강화하겠다고 발표했다. EPA의 이번 행동은 기존의 자격요건을 강화하고, 미국 내 모든 UST가 동일한 배출보호기준을 충족하도록 보장하는 데 도움을 줄 것으로 기대된다.

    EPA의 고형폐기물사고대응부장 Mathy Stanislaus는 “이번 변화는 UST 방출의 예방·감지를 향상시킴으로써 공공의 보건을 보호하고 환경에 이익을 가져다 줄 것”이라고 말했다.


    EPA strengthens federal underground storage tank requirements to reduce leaks
    The Environmental Protection (EPA) has announced that it is strengthening federal underground storage tank (UST) requirements to improve prevention and detection of petroleum releases from USTs, which are one of the leading sources of groundwater contamination. EPA\'s action will strengthen existing requirements and help ensure that all USTs in the United States meet the same release protection standards.
    "These changes will better protect people\'s health and benefit the environment in communities across the country by improving prevention and detection of underground storage tank releases," said Mathy Stanislaus, assistant administrator of EPA\'s Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response. "Extensive and meaningful collaboration with our underground storage tank partners and stakeholders was vital to the development of the new regulations. The revised requirements will also help ensure consistency in implementing the tanks program among states and on tribal lands."
    Secondary containment and operator training requirements of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 will apply to USTs on tribal lands. In addition, these requirements improve EPA\'s original 1988 UST regulation by closing regulatory gaps, adding new technologies, and focusing on properly operating and maintaining existing UST systems.
    Underground storage tanks are located at hundreds of thousands of facilities across America. Both marketers and non-retail facilities own USTs. Marketers include retail facilities such as gas stations and convenience stores that sell petroleum products. Non-retail facilities include those that do not sell petroleum products but may rely on their own supply of gasoline or diesel for taxis, buses, limousines, trucks, vans, boats, heavy equipment, or a wide range of other vehicles.
    States and territories primarily implement the UST program. Many states already have some of these new requirements in place. For others, these changes will set standards that are more protective.

    In developing the final UST regulation, EPA reached out extensively to affected and interested UST stakeholders. The Agency carefully considered the environmental benefits of the UST requirements, while balancing those with the potential future costs of compliance for UST owners and operators. For example, EPA is not requiring owners and operators to replace existing equipment, but rather is focusing on better operation and maintenance of that equipment. 

    [출처 = Water World / 2015년 6월 22일]

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